W e are a group of enthusiastic Swiss brickfilmers who since 2009, initially under the name of Alegonder Films, indulge in the audio-visual creation of stop-motion animated short films. Each year we aim to publish a new picture dealing with a variety of topics from comedy to tragedy. Meanwhile, our protagonists remain silent... .

Bearly Easter (2020)
In case you ever wondered, where the chocolate eggs come from...!? Our contribution to the Bricks in Motion contest 10 Bricks of EASTER 2020.

Saved (2019)
Our contribution to the transcendental EASTER contest 2019 on Bricks in Motion. Enjoy...!

A Day in the Park (2019)
W e started the New Year taking part in the THAC XVI contest of Bricks in Motion, the theme being "Discovery". Have fun!

Ship in a Bottle (2018)

D uring the christmas holidays we had the opportunity to create a promotional brickfilm for the launch of the LEGO Ideas set "Ship in a Bottle".

Commercials for "A Brickfilm Christmas" (2017)
W e participated in an international collaboration featuring contributions from brickfilmers from all over Europe, the UK, and the United States. Have a look at our contribution - and Skol!

Quest for Life (2017)
W ith "Quest of Life" we have successfully participated in the 2017 Bricks in Motion Summer Contest with the theme "Spirit of Adventure" and were awarded first place.
Stay tuned for more, as we gradually reveal new information/pictures
our latest productions on our website!

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